A social platform focused on making it easy and fun to find new platonic friendships, the ability to find community, and hopefully your chosen family.

Solving the world’s loneliness problem through a better way of engagement.

Loneliness is all too common and can be extremely isolating, especially for people who have gotten divorced, have been recently widowed, have relocated, have mental/physical health problems, work from home or just need a break away from toxic friends or family.

Chosen Family LLC is also dedicated to improving Mental Health Awareness and Research, with a portion of proceeds going toward this vital cause.

Our goal is to create two tracks for the different needs of our community: an opportunity to form platonic friendships, as well as surrogate families.

True friendship or just old fashioned communication is just a click away.

Search for Platonic Friendships

Once you have chosen to communicate with someone, text, phone, and video call options become available.

Verified Security

“Been Verified” Security to prevent exploitation of our members.

Online and Offline Events

Video conferencing, guest speakers, community meetups and volunteer opportunities to get out into the community.

Member Opportunity to Showcase Talents

Want to meet people who have similar hobbies as you? Once approved, members have the ability to showcase their talents (music, art).

Let’s combat loneliness together.

We’ll be with you every step of the way.